Cette conférence est organisée dans le cadre du Gender Studies Visiting Faculty Programme 2024 (collaboration Sciences Po et Université Paris Cité/Cité du Genre).

Le programme de professeures et professeurs invités est soutenu par l’IdEx Université Paris Cité (ANR-18-IDEX-0001) et déployé grâce au partenariat entre Université Paris Cité et Sciences Po.


So Close and Yet So Far: Women, Social Reproduction, and Citizenship in Latin America

Leda Pérez (Associate Professor, Universidad del Pacífico, Peru)

Women’s exclusive linkage to social reproduction through domestic and care work is a form of domination that limits the free movement, socioeconomic options, and, ultimately, citizenship rights of half of the world’s population. In Latin America, the region of the world with the second-highest population of paid domestic workers, nearly 20% of women work in domestic service, employment that is largely informal and precarious. Despite international norms, including the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Convention 189 on decent work for this sector, as well as region-wide national level legislation, fully implemented « rights » are mostly non-existent in Latin America. However, in countries where these laws are upheld, social protections and democracies are stronger for women generally.

Yet, two barriers stand in the way of progress. First, despite legislation, sociocultural practices regarding the undervaluation of these workers are ingrained in most countries of the region and, thus, domestic worker rights are largely disrespected, especially when enforcement is absent. Second, and relatedly, general pro-women policies have taken a « trickle-down » approach, assuming automatic equal protection for all. Unless this is inverted to prioritise complete socioeconomic and political rights for domestic and/or care workers, women’s full inclusion in the democratic project will remain elusive. This presentation seeks to reorient the discussion on this score, centring the unmet rights of historically marginalised women as a first step to closing the equality gap between the genders, but also among women.

Discutante: Anwita Dinkar, doctorante dans le Center for the Sociology of Organisations (CSO) à Sciences Po

Spécialiste de la question des inégalités de genre en Amérique latine, Leda Pérez est professeure associée au Département des Sciences Sociales et Politiques de l’Universidad del Pacífico (Pérou). Elle est professeure invitée du Gender Studies Visiting Faculté Programme 2024 ((Université Paris Cité / Sciences Po). Vous pouvez trouver le parcours de ses recherches dans cet entretien :  en français / en anglais


INSCRIPTION en cliquant ici

QUAND: Mardi 22 octobre, 17h00-19h00

OÙ: Amphithéâtre Lavoisier, Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Université Paris Cité, 45 Rue des Saints-Pères 75006 Paris

