Institut interdisciplinaire de recherche et de formation en études de genre -

JE Genre et pouvoir médical en Europe (13 déc) ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Livres du moment ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ AAP Mobilité doctorale 24-25   ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Prix de Master 2024 ET Prix de thèse 2024 Institut du Genre



Mission (English Version)

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Université Sorbonne Paris Cité is a community of universities and scientific institutions. The communities (also known as ComUEs) were born out of the State’s desire to increase the visibility and international attractiveness of French institutions in terms of training and research. USPC brings together nine institutions of higher education and five research organizations. It aims to develop projects and activities for which the coming together of forces enables an increase in creativity, efficiency, and visibility. These projects focus on interdisciplinarity in research and training, campus life, international attractiveness, as well as innovative teaching methods. This grouping, which relies on great disciplinary richness, gives the USPC the powerful capacity for collective action to bring research to the highest level in the world, to train the highest number of students, to recruit among the best students and researchers in the world, to be innovative, to transfer the results of our research, to play a role in the debate of ideas, and to play an active part in civil society.

Cité du Genre

The Cité du Genre coordinates the teaching and research developed within the USPC institutions, around questions of gender. It aims at uniting all of the teams, research areas and networks already structured around gender in the nine USPC teaching and research institutions. It is also open to all teachers, researchers, students, and people interested in gender issues. At the level of the USPC, it relies on the  “Women – Men Equality Network.”

An innovative and ambitious conception, the Cité du Genre is divided into four sections: research, training, international relations, and enhancement/link with social environment. It is resolutely pluridisciplinary.
